
Today Mata Ramabai Ambedker birthday (7/02/2021). Cordial wishes for Mata Ramabai Ambedkar’s Birth Anniversary!!!

‘भारतीय संविधान के निर्माता’ और भारत के पहले कानून मंत्री, डॉ. भीमराव आम्बेडकर ने अपने जीवन में हर कदम पर चुनौतियों का सामना किया। लेकिन वे कभी रुके नहीं। उनके इस सफ़र में बहुत-से लोगों ने उनका साथ दिया। कभी उनके स्कूल में एक शिक्षक ने उनसे प्रभावित होकर उनको अपना उपनाम दे दिया, तो बड़ौदा के शाहू महाराज ने उन्हें उच्च शिक्षा के लिए इंग्लैंड भेज दिया था। इन सब लोगों के बीच एक और नाम था, जिसके ज़िक्र के बगैर बाबासाहेब की सफ़लता की कहानी अधूरी है। वह नाम है रमाबाई आम्बेडकर! रमाबाई भीमराव आम्बेडकर बाबा साहेब की पत्नी थीं। आज भी लोग उन्हें ‘मातोश्री’ रमाबाई के नाम से जानते हैं। 7 फ़रवरी 1898 को जन्मी रमा के परिवार की आर्थिक स्थिति बहुत अच्छी नहीं थी। बचपन में ही उनके माता-पिता का देहांत हो गया था। ऐसे में उनके मामा ने उन्हें और उनके भाई-बहनों को पाला। साल 1906 में 9 वर्ष की उम्र में उनकी शादी बॉम्बे (अब मुंबई) के बायकुला मार्किट में 14-वर्षीय भीमराव से हुई। रमाबाई को भीमराव प्यार से ‘रामू’ बुलाते थे और वो उन्हें ‘साहेब’ कहकर पुकारतीं थीं। शादी के तुरंत बाद से ही रमा को समझ में आ गया ...

8th January: Buddhist Flag Day and The Origin and Meaning of the Buddhist Flag.

8th January: Buddhist Flag Day and  The Origin and Meaning of the Buddhist Flag. The Buddhist flag is a flag designed in the late 19th century as a universal symbol of Buddhism. It is used by Buddhists throughout the world. The Buddhist flag is a modern creation and it was jointly designed by Mr J.R. de Silva and Colonel Henry Steele Olcott (American journalist) to mark the revival of Buddhism in Ceylon (presently Sri Lanka) in 1880. They designed a flag from the six colours of the aura that shone around the body and head of the Buddha after His Enlightenment. The Buddhist flag and American flag were draped on Colonel’s dead body in 1907 before his cremation. The flag later came to symbolize the unity of Buddhists. Thereafter, it has been used worldwide and has been used in nearly 60 countries during Buddhist festive seasons, particularly during the Vesak celebrations. The Buddhist Flag was first hoisted in 1885 in Sri Lanka. It is a symbol of faith and pea...

Arahat Theri Baddakapilani

*ARAHAT THERI BADDAKAPILANI*  - FIRST IN THE RANK WHO COULD RECALL FORMER LIVES AMONGST OTHER NUNS Arahat Theri Baddakapilani Many eons a go, during Pudumuttara Buddha's dispensation Baddakapilani was born in the city of Hansawathi and later was married to a wealthy husband called Videha. They both enjoyed a happy and comfortable life and often visited the monastery to listen to Dhamma Sermons from the Buddha. On a certain day after the Dhamma sermon, she heard a nun proclaimed in the first rank of those who could recall former lives. She resolved to acquire a similar rank, while her husband (Mahā Kassapa in this life) resolved to be chief among those who practise austere vows (dhutangadari). From then on she generated good acts and fulfilled virtues to her best. With this wish in mind she gave alms to the Buddha and his Sanga for 7 consecutive days and the last day, after paying respect to the Buddha, she conveyed her wish. The Buddha foreseen her future wish, knew it...

Bhikkhuni Sanghamitta theri story

"iti pi so bhagava araham sammasambuddho vijjacharana sampanno sugato lokavidu anuttaro purisa dhamma sarati satta deva manussanam buddho bhagava ti". Namo Tassa Bhagabvato Arahato Sammasambuddhassa After over two hundred years of the birth of Buddhism, Buddhism was at its peak during the time of King Dhammasoka in India.  The King Dhammasoka understood the essence of Buddhism, and offered great support to the cause of Buddhism by erecting rock- edicts in all parts of his territory enjoining upon the subjects to follow the Doctrine in their daily lives. With his royal patronage Buddhism flourished, and the Sasana gradually grew in importance and numbers. Tempted by worldly gain, many undesirables of alien sects joined the Order and polluted the Sasana by their corrupt lives and heretical views which they taught. Good monks could not live together with these sham monks and there was trouble. 1.1. The first Miracle The King consulted the Venerable Moggaliputta...

संघमित्ता दिवस 29 दिसंबर 2020

संघमित्ता दिवस अगहन पूर्णिमा तदनुसार 29दिसम्बर 2020. महाथेरी संघमित्ता (281 BC - 202 BC ) जन्म -- विदिशा । परिनिर्वाण -- अनुराधपुर । मगध साम्राज्य के राजा बिन्दुसार ने अपने पुत्र अशोक को उज्जैनी का उपराज नियुक्त किया । उज्जैनी के मार्ग में उपराज अशोक कुछ दिनों के लिए विदिशा में रुके जहाँ श्र्ष्ठी-पुत्री ' देवी ' से मुलाकात हुई । देवी बुद्ध-धम्म-संघ के प्रति सम्पूर्ण रूप से समर्पित थी । कुमार अशोक ने उनके रूप-गुण और शील-स्वभाव से प्रभावित होकर उनसे विवाह कर लिया । उनदोनों से पुत्र कुमार महेन्द्र और पुत्री संघमित्रा का जन्म हुआ ।   राजा बिन्दुसार के दिवंगत होने पर अशोक मगध साम्राज्य के सिंहासन पर विराजमान हुए । देवानांपिय पियदस्सी राजा असोक ने अपने शासनकाल में बौद्ध धम्म की तीसरी संगीति का आयोजन किया । संगीति की समाप्ति पर अपने गुरु की इच्छा से उन्होंने कुमार महेन्द्र और कुमारी संघमित्ता से कहा -- प्रव्रज्या लोगे ? प्रव्रज्या बहुत अच्छी है । महेन्द्र और संघमित्रा ने खुशी-खुशी प्रव्रज्या ग्रहण की । संघ के आदेश से थेर महिन्द (महेन्द्र ) धम्म के प्रचार-प्रसार के लिए सिंह...

The Observation of Body

A. Section on Respiration And how, monks, does a monk dwell observing body in body? Here a monk, having gone into the forest, or to the foot of a tree, or to an empty room, sits down cross-legged, keeps his body upright and fixes his awareness in the area around the mouth. With this awareness, he breathes in, with this awareness, he breathes out. Breathing in a deep breath, he understands properly:5  “I am breathing in a deep breath.” Breathing out a deep breath, he understands properly: “I am breathing out a deep breath.” Breathing in a shallow breath he understands properly: “I am breathing in a shallow breath.” Breathing out a shallow breath, he understands properly: “I am breathing out a shallow breath.” In this way he trains himself: “Feeling the whole body, I shall breathe in.” “Feeling the whole body, I shall breathe out,” thus he trains himself. “With the bodily activities calmed, I shall breathe in,” thus he trains himself. “With the bodily activities cal...

History of Gautama Buddha at Isipatana ( Sarnath, Utter Pradesh, India)

History of Gautama Buddha at Isipatana ,(Sarnath, Utter Pradesh , India) The Gautam Buddha went from Bodhgaya to Sarnath after 5 weeks of his enlightenment. Before attaining his enlightenment, the Gautam has given up the Pañcavaggiya monks to his austere penances and friends then he left them and went to the Isipatana. He enlightened five former companions using his spiritual powers as they were able to understand Dhamma quickly. It is believed that he had to cross the Gange through air because he had no money to pay the ferryman. The Gautam Buddha had given his sermon to five monks known as his first sermon and called the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. He spent his first rainy season at the Mulagandhakuti of sarnath. The Buddha Sangha or community had grown from 5 to 60 in number. They sent by Buddha to all corner of the world to travel alone in order to teach the Dhamma to people. There are many other suttas preached by the Buddha at Isipatana besides the Dhammacakkappavatt...