
Showing posts from December, 2020

Bhikkhuni Sanghamitta theri story

"iti pi so bhagava araham sammasambuddho vijjacharana sampanno sugato lokavidu anuttaro purisa dhamma sarati satta deva manussanam buddho bhagava ti". Namo Tassa Bhagabvato Arahato Sammasambuddhassa After over two hundred years of the birth of Buddhism, Buddhism was at its peak during the time of King Dhammasoka in India.  The King Dhammasoka understood the essence of Buddhism, and offered great support to the cause of Buddhism by erecting rock- edicts in all parts of his territory enjoining upon the subjects to follow the Doctrine in their daily lives. With his royal patronage Buddhism flourished, and the Sasana gradually grew in importance and numbers. Tempted by worldly gain, many undesirables of alien sects joined the Order and polluted the Sasana by their corrupt lives and heretical views which they taught. Good monks could not live together with these sham monks and there was trouble. 1.1. The first Miracle The King consulted the Venerable Moggaliputta...

संघमित्ता दिवस 29 दिसंबर 2020

संघमित्ता दिवस अगहन पूर्णिमा तदनुसार 29दिसम्बर 2020. महाथेरी संघमित्ता (281 BC - 202 BC ) जन्म -- विदिशा । परिनिर्वाण -- अनुराधपुर । मगध साम्राज्य के राजा बिन्दुसार ने अपने पुत्र अशोक को उज्जैनी का उपराज नियुक्त किया । उज्जैनी के मार्ग में उपराज अशोक कुछ दिनों के लिए विदिशा में रुके जहाँ श्र्ष्ठी-पुत्री ' देवी ' से मुलाकात हुई । देवी बुद्ध-धम्म-संघ के प्रति सम्पूर्ण रूप से समर्पित थी । कुमार अशोक ने उनके रूप-गुण और शील-स्वभाव से प्रभावित होकर उनसे विवाह कर लिया । उनदोनों से पुत्र कुमार महेन्द्र और पुत्री संघमित्रा का जन्म हुआ ।   राजा बिन्दुसार के दिवंगत होने पर अशोक मगध साम्राज्य के सिंहासन पर विराजमान हुए । देवानांपिय पियदस्सी राजा असोक ने अपने शासनकाल में बौद्ध धम्म की तीसरी संगीति का आयोजन किया । संगीति की समाप्ति पर अपने गुरु की इच्छा से उन्होंने कुमार महेन्द्र और कुमारी संघमित्ता से कहा -- प्रव्रज्या लोगे ? प्रव्रज्या बहुत अच्छी है । महेन्द्र और संघमित्रा ने खुशी-खुशी प्रव्रज्या ग्रहण की । संघ के आदेश से थेर महिन्द (महेन्द्र ) धम्म के प्रचार-प्रसार के लिए सिंह...

The Observation of Body

A. Section on Respiration And how, monks, does a monk dwell observing body in body? Here a monk, having gone into the forest, or to the foot of a tree, or to an empty room, sits down cross-legged, keeps his body upright and fixes his awareness in the area around the mouth. With this awareness, he breathes in, with this awareness, he breathes out. Breathing in a deep breath, he understands properly:5  “I am breathing in a deep breath.” Breathing out a deep breath, he understands properly: “I am breathing out a deep breath.” Breathing in a shallow breath he understands properly: “I am breathing in a shallow breath.” Breathing out a shallow breath, he understands properly: “I am breathing out a shallow breath.” In this way he trains himself: “Feeling the whole body, I shall breathe in.” “Feeling the whole body, I shall breathe out,” thus he trains himself. “With the bodily activities calmed, I shall breathe in,” thus he trains himself. “With the bodily activities cal...

History of Gautama Buddha at Isipatana ( Sarnath, Utter Pradesh, India)

History of Gautama Buddha at Isipatana ,(Sarnath, Utter Pradesh , India) The Gautam Buddha went from Bodhgaya to Sarnath after 5 weeks of his enlightenment. Before attaining his enlightenment, the Gautam has given up the Pañcavaggiya monks to his austere penances and friends then he left them and went to the Isipatana. He enlightened five former companions using his spiritual powers as they were able to understand Dhamma quickly. It is believed that he had to cross the Gange through air because he had no money to pay the ferryman. The Gautam Buddha had given his sermon to five monks known as his first sermon and called the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. He spent his first rainy season at the Mulagandhakuti of sarnath. The Buddha Sangha or community had grown from 5 to 60 in number. They sent by Buddha to all corner of the world to travel alone in order to teach the Dhamma to people. There are many other suttas preached by the Buddha at Isipatana besides the Dhammacakkappavatt...


MEDITATION AND IT'S BENEFITS - GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MIND Namo Buddhaya ☸️☸️☸️🌹🌹🌹 Namo Dhammaya ☸️☸️☸️🌹🌹🌹 Namo Sanghaya ☸️☸️☸️🌹🌹🌹 Imagine if the whole world practised meditation. If everybody in the world had the opportunity to get to know their mind. To clearly perceive the wholesome mental qualities that need to be adopted, nurtured and perfected, as well as the unwholesome mental afflictions that need to be relinquished and eradicated, and then implemented the invaluable meditation methods taught by the Buddha. I think that you may agree that all wars and conflicts would be pacified, and peace and understanding would pervade the world. As His Holiness the Dalai Lama says, “If every eight year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation." We all want peace and happiness, and want to avoid conflict and suffering. But we need to understand the causes of peace and happiness, and adopt and practice them. We also...


THE PARINIBBANA DAY OF GREAT MAHA MOGGALANA. The Death of Maha Moggallana  on Karthika Amavasye(new moon day)(today or tomorrow) The Awakened One, surrounded by many of his monks, passed away peacefully during a meditative absorption which he entered with perfect mastery. Sariputta's death in his parental home, likewise with fellow monks in attendance, was similarly serene, though, unlike the Buddha, he had been ill before his end. Ananda died at the age of 120, before which he entered with meditative skill the fire element so that his body vanished in a blaze, as he did not wish to burden anyone by his funeral. Considering the serene death of the Master and these two disciples, one would have expected that, in the case of Maha-Moggallana too, the final dissolution of the body at death would take place in external circumstance of a similarly peaceful nature. But in Moggallana's case it was very different, though the gruesome nature of his death did not shake his fir...

The Four Noble.

The Four Noble Truths are 1. The Noble Truth of the reality of Dukkha as part of conditioned existence. Dukkha is a multi-faceted word. Its literal meaning is "that which is difficult to bear". It can mean suffering, stress, pain, anguish, affliction or unsatisfactoriness. Each of the English words is either too strong or too weak in their meaning to be a universally successful translation. Dukkha can be gross or very subtle. From extreme physical and mental pain and torment to subtle inner conflicts and existential malaise. 2. The Noble Truth that Dukkha has a causal arising. This cause is defined as grasping and clinging or aversion. On one hand it is trying to control anything and everything by grabbing onto or trying to pin them down, On the other hand it is control by pushing away or pushing down and running away or flinching away from things. It is the process of identification through which we try to make internal and external things and experiences into ...

Best of paths.

Best of paths is the Eightfold Path. Best of truth is the Four Noble Truths. Best of conditions is Passionlessness. Best of men is the Seeing One. This is only way; None other is there for the purity of vision. Do you enter upon this path, Which is bewilderment of Mãra. (The Buddha's Words in The Dhammapada)

The mind motivation

When we watch the mind correctly, we will see whatever arises as it really is. We will see the true nature of body and mind. We will see that they are not us. We will keep seeing the truth of body and mind until we become dispassionate to their constant flux, their insubstantially, their suffering nature. We will release attachment to them, be liberated and know that liberation has taken place. What will we be liberated from? We will be liberated from attachment to this body and this mind. We will be liberated from suffering, because suffering resides in this body and this mind. Can you see that these are the only two places where suffering can be found? Upon liberation, suffering will be gone and we will be fully aware, awakened and blissful without any effort or maintenance necessary.

Buddhsit temple in Bangkok

Buddha Bhumi -Suvarnbhumi Wat Suvarnabhumi Buddha Jayanti Temple Bangkok Thailand same look like BuddhaGaya Mahabodhi Mahavihara, BodhGaya Temple. It's behind the Suvarnabhumi International Airport Bangkok, Thailand थाईलैंड की राजधानी बैंकॉक के सुवर्ण भुमी अंतरराष्ट्रीय हवाईअड्डे के पीछे कुछ किलोमीटर पर बुद्ध गया महाबोधि महाविहार के जैसे सुवर्ण भुमी बुद्ध जयंती महाविहार हैं ।

Invest in yourself

Invest in yourself . 1. Meditate 2. Read 3. Eat healthy food 4. Drink water 5. Move your body 6. Spend time in nTure 7. Rest up You are worthy