Bhikkhuni Sanghamitta theri story
"iti pi so bhagava araham sammasambuddho vijjacharana sampanno sugato lokavidu anuttaro purisa dhamma sarati satta deva manussanam buddho bhagava ti". Namo Tassa Bhagabvato Arahato Sammasambuddhassa After over two hundred years of the birth of Buddhism, Buddhism was at its peak during the time of King Dhammasoka in India. The King Dhammasoka understood the essence of Buddhism, and offered great support to the cause of Buddhism by erecting rock- edicts in all parts of his territory enjoining upon the subjects to follow the Doctrine in their daily lives. With his royal patronage Buddhism flourished, and the Sasana gradually grew in importance and numbers. Tempted by worldly gain, many undesirables of alien sects joined the Order and polluted the Sasana by their corrupt lives and heretical views which they taught. Good monks could not live together with these sham monks and there was trouble. 1.1. The first Miracle The King consulted the Venerable Moggaliputta...